Code of Conduct




The regulations of this school are based upon an educational philosophy which may be summed up as follows:-

“True education means more than the pursuance of a certain course of study. It means more than preparation for the life that now is. It has to do with the whole being and with the whole period of existence possible to man. It is the harmonious development of the physical, mental and spiritual powers. It prepares the student for the joy of service in this world; and for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come.”
(Ellen G. White, Education, page 18)

The code is designed to guide the behavior of students of the school so as to achieve the above objectives.


Class attendance is compulsory for all students those who absent themselves from classes without permission for;

i. One or more periods
Warning/a day’s grounds work.

ii. Five continuous days
1-2 weeks internal suspension.

Second offence

Evening studies starts at 7:00pm and ends at 9:00 pm. Students must be in their classrooms or prep rooms within this period. Those who have to be away for any reason must obtain permission from the prep master or master on duty. Students who go contrary to this provisions:-

In the first instance
a day’s grounds Work

Any subsequent breach to this rule
1-2 weeks internal suspension.

Class Exercises, Assignments, and test constitute important academic necessity in students’ assessment. It is therefore compulsory for all students to take part in all forms of assessment. Failing to take part or submit exercise, etc

First offence

Second offence
A days’ grounds work

Persistent refusal to do assignments, etc

Examination: all examinations (terminal or end-of-year, etc) are compulsory.

Any student who refuses to take part in school examinations without justifiable cause
First offence-Warning and in addition be made to write exam papers

Examinations malpractices. Any student who gets himself or herself involved in any examination malpractices:
2nd  offence – Withdrawal

First offence
Cancel paper and internal suspension (1-2 weeks with hard labour

Second offence



That cleanliness in our personal habits and our surroundings promotes good health, cannot be over emphasized. Students are therefore expected to keep themselves and their surrounding clean.

Poly bags and pieces of wood as well as articles of clothing should not be scattered around the dormitories or elsewhere.

It shall be the duty of every Student to keep the compound tidy and healthy at all times.
Verbal warning
Grounds work

There shall be fortnightly inter-house competitive compound, classroom and dormitory inspections which shall be compulsory for all students.
Refusal to take part in inter-house inspection – A day’s grounds work.

The last house for the week
Is given some grounds work to do

Food: Since the taking of food to the dormitories and classrooms attracts flies and other harmful insects, students are therefore NOT allowed to take food out of the Dining Hall to the dormitories.

Taking food from the dining hall without permission.

  1. A day’s grounds work
  2. 1 – 2 weeks internal suspension

Repetition of all these offences: To be made a day student